August 7, 2023


Today, we worked at a local coffee shop—they have good coffee (sourced from a brand that I've always loved), good matcha, good food, beautiful ceramic cups and saucers, beautiful interiors, and warm, friendly service. They seem to be investing on the right things. Amongst the many coffee shops that opened in our province the past years, this looks to be the one that I'll support.

It reminds me of the coffee shop that my dad opened years back (which I managed for a few years), and my dream of opening another in the future, where I can make my own drink whenever I want, where I can sell cronuts (made fresh every morning) and my mom's other pastries, where my husband and I can geek out about coffee and spread our love for books, where I can meet people who share the same interests.

Working there today brought that vision back to mind. It makes me want to work harder, to save for capital, and get closer to that dream.

Surround yourself with images, words, and experiences that remind you of your dreams and energize you into action.

Create an environment that inspires you.