January 30, 2023

Professional Positioning

In marketing, a brand should have a clear, specific positioning. It should answer these two key questions:

  • What do you do?
  • Who do you serve?

And that's also supported with a promise: what results and benefits do the brands promise to deliver?

And today it got me thinking: why don't we have our own professional positioning statements? Wouldn't that make us more invested in what we do and, consequently, become better at what we do?

Even if we're not trying to build a personal brand, I think we can all benefit from having our own positioning statements. It gives us direction. It lights up our path to infinite growth and expertise.

Here are quick examples:

  • For a content creator, it might sound like:
    I create content about mindset shifts and productivity systems for busy solopreneurs, so that they can work more effectively and efficiently, freeing up time for hobbies, relationships, and self-care.
  • For a brand identity designer, it might sound like:
    I design brand identities for coaches that accurately and creatively showcase their unique genius, so that they can grab attention and build trust more effectively, and create an impact in the lives of more people.
  • For a barista, it might sound like:
    I make amazing, perfectly-extracted coffee for stressed students and sleep-deprived teachers, give them my best smile everyday and an even better service, so that they can feel support and comfort from the warmth I give them, while absolutely enjoying their drink.

Wouldn't those statements drive us to do better, be better, everyday?